One App

OneApp works with

Alarm Companies

Now you can put the control into your Customers hands.

With OneApp you give control to your clients by allowing them to control more than just Arm and Disarm.

OneApp works with

Account Information and Control

Get YourApp on the App Store

We all know that company branding is important. So why let your partners get all of the recognition.

Customers can Update their own Info and Place their own Systems On Test

Giving the power to the people means that you can have a lower rate of inbound calls to your office.

Integrate Billing into YourApp

Let the customers know when their bill is due and allow them to pay it through OneApp. Integration with WorkHorse AlarmCompany.Software or Stand Alone Billing.

Integrates with MNGR

Get more review. Grow your company by kicking off campaigns to your customers through YourApp.

Don't share the spotlight

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